Dermaplaning Blades


31 reviews


Use me to rid your face of peach fuzz and dead skin cells. I will give you silky, smooth skin while helping your skincare to penetrate deeper and be more effective. You will love the way your foundation glides on affer using me.

How to use

Cleanse your face and pat dry, remove the safety shield and ensure your blade is sterilised - our Bye Bitch sanitising spray is perfect for this! Apply our Lock It In oil to your skin to help the blade slip. This will also help avoid any skin irritation. Hold the skin tight with one hand, using the blade at a 45-degree angle, and make small upward strokes to remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz. Keep a tissue on hand to wipe the blade clean as you go. Once finished, sanitise your blade again. Wipe dry with a clean tissue and reapply the safety shield. Rinse your face with warm water and apply our Thrist Trap hydration serum. Avoid using on broken or inflamed skin.

Product Info

Steel blades on a plastic handle. These are super sharp so be mindful when using!